Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Music, music, music, dance, PUPPY!

Oh, what a weekend. One of the best I’ve had in a while, actually. That’s not to say that my weekends are normally pretty dull; this just happened to be a particularly good one.

Friday was spent in the company of some fine people- Ah, Shostakovich 7 just came on! Pardon the digression, dear reader, I am currently obsessed with this symphony (also known as the "Leningrad"). And I’ll be performing it next month! *bops along excitedly to first movement’s invasion theme*

So, Friday. I went to see Hanna at the cinema with a good friend. An enjoyable movie if not analysed too closely. And of course, I was stuck whistling the pentatonic theme for the rest of the weekend. Why does my aural training choose to kick in now? My evening was spent at the final Corda Spiritus orchestra rehearsal. Such lovely people. They made tea break even more enjoyable than the actual rehearsal. Of course, the spread of cheeses, hams, and chocolate biscuits didn’t hurt... And a little mishap – in which my stand partner may have transcribed her bowings into the concertmaster’s part instead of vice versa – kept the first violins rather amused.

A double-pass to the Queensland Symphony Orchestra performing Berlioz’s Symphonie Fantastique kept me busy on Saturday night. It was fantastic, indeed. Especially since I won the tickets through a Facebook competition. See? Not just a highly-addictive waste of time after all. Yeah, I know, who am I kidding...

Then Sunday was my turn on stage with Corda Spiritus, playing the Koussevitzky Double Bass Concerto, Saint-Saens’ Cello Concerto and Beethoven’s 7th Symphony. Excellent program, if I may say so myself. I don’t like performing solo (at all), but there is little I enjoy more than being a part of an ensemble. The rush it gives isn't stage fright-inducing, but it does sharpen the concentration so that everything seems to happen in slow motion yet double speed at the same time. Like having 20/10 vision (not that my 20/infinity eyes would know). I imagine that’s how Bella must have felt when she opened her eyes for the first time as a vampire. Yes, I just used a fictional character as an analogy and made a Twilight reference in the same sentence. It must be time for bed...

So, to top off my excellent weekend, I danced the night away at Casablanca’s Sunday Salsa Seduction and enjoyed some cupcakes and cocktails with a close friend. Oh, and the company of my new godchildren, of course – the adorable Caesar and Maximus. 

*proceeds to squeal and make disturbing baby noises* Ok...definitely time for bed now. 

Till next time, dear reader, goodnight and good week.

1 comment:

  1. Officially liking this blog. =3 Caesar's so much bigger now... O.o
