Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The simple things: Today’s Smiles

Skinny-leg jeans at the bus-stop. Egg yellow. No, daffodil.
Hide-and-seek. A whirlwind of tiny petals. My impossible hair. 
Good ham. Thick mayonnaise. Half a bottle of cracked pepper.
Freshly-inked A4's. Still warm. My finished assignment – three weeks early.
A snapshot memory. A chocolate waffle. Good intentions but poorly named.
High-heeled boots on a marble floor. So unnecessary. Clickety-clack.
Perforated edges. Sticky fingers. Caramel lips and melting tongue.
“Your mama” jokes. Linguistiques class? Ta mère est si plate qu’on peut la faxer.
Peeling lettuce. One perfect layer after another. Green velvet.
How to exist in a Sartre play. Laughing to a French movie. Sans subtitles. 
Blank canvas. Smooth teeth. Black strokes of eager keys.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Let it burn.

Lately, I've dived into cooking. It really is quite therapeutic - food for the soul (no pun intended)...

Sunday Morning Crêpes
~ for 1 ~

·         2 eggs
·         1 cup milk
·         1/3 cup flour
·         Pinch of sugar
·         Pinch of salt
1) Whisk it all together in a large bowl till smooth.
2) Cook in a buttered pan on medium heat.
3) Flip when top side is no longer liquid.
4) Serve with your favourite drink and condiment.
(I recommend African rooibos vanilla tea and berry jam.)

And... Smoked trout. More S'mores. Rabbit roast (third batch). Eggy French toast. Fish sticks burger. Sausage and brie pizza.

...just eat!