Friday, March 11, 2011

“A bottle of Skype or a joint of Facebook?” Have you had your hourly fix?

Thursday night, 9:30pm: Home at last after 6 hours of lectures and 2 hours of Salsa dancing. Starving, sweaty and beyond exhausted, what is the first thing I reach for? My laptop, of course.

9:35pm: A little red cross at the bottom right hand corner of the screen catches my eye. No internet connection. A wave of panic rises in my chest. Refresh. Refresh again. Nothing. Ok, I’ll just restart my computer. That will reboot the internet. Right?

9:40pm: ...wrong. The wave swirls higher. No, it’s ok, this has happened before. Worst case scenario, I go to bed tonight without internet. But come tomorrow morning, the world will be spinning back on its axis. Right?

9:50pm: ...(you know what to insert here). I come to the sad realisation that reading the sign on my roommate’s door for a fifth time will not actually change its (horrific) meaning.

9:55pm: My roommates and I make a pact to buy a new one if it cannot be fixed by tomorrow. A weekend without internet? Ha, that’s a good one!

10:00pm: Faced with my first internet-free evening in...too long, and already lost for things to do after five minutes, I realise just how tangled I have become in this sticky web.

Before tonight, I wouldn’t have said that I use my computer too much. Twenty hours of uni and eight hours of sport/dance a week, plus homework, going out, travelling and eating chocolate (oh, and sleeping) doesn’t leave much time for anything else. But if my reaction tonight is anything to go by, I should be changing my name to “Geeky Bi”.

Guess it’s time for me to pick up my violin or a good book! That’s right, dear reader, “book” without the “e–”.